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Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities
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Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities Name: Maria Siteri
Another glorious account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Elder Charles Ijeoma Ibe
Another account of the miraculous with Rhapsody of Realities Name: Nancy Edmund
Several minutes after being confirmed dead, his brother slammed a copy of Rhapsody of Realities that immediately brought him back to life. Name: Brother Shedrack and Eric Ojemohin Zone: Lagos Zone 2
Shares a testimony on how his his wife after many tries conceived and how the child was raised back to life. Name: Pastor Henry & Deaconess Anna Henry Zone: Kenya Zone.
His brother was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Rhapsody of Realities, and the transformative work of the messenger angel in his cell ministry and family is a testimony for all to hear. Name: Brother Great Evans Zone: Lagos Zone 4
A copy of Rhapsody of realities was placed on him after he reached the hospital, he was stabbed severally by hoodlums and laid unconsciouly on the bed, then the remarkable thing happened. Name: Brother Edwin Ingovi Zone: Kenya Zone
An insoiring testimony of how the messenger angel, Rhapsody of Realities brought her mother back to life when copies were placed on her chest and her back. Such a miraculous record of the profound power of God inside of the Rhapsody of Realities. Name: Deaconess Jane Muma Zone: Kenya Zone Nationality: Kenyan
Moments after he passed, his father placed a copy of Rhapsody of Realities on Samuel's chest and suddenly he miraculously came back to life. Watch him share his inspiring testimony. Name: Samuel Cagi Nationality: Fijan